

publications and research

Research is an essential component of our practice, as part of our design process for many types of projects and in the form of design publications.


Innovation for a Better Workplace: An Archive of the Design and Construction of the LG North American Headquarters Campus

Commemorative 72-page publication for LG Electronics, USA, Inc. documenting the development of the LG North American Headquarters campus project, 2018-2021. Project direction and text by Yenna Chan, graphic design by Nora Molina, photography by Christian Rodriguez. Selected spreads featured below.


Tree identification trail markers

For our trail marker signage series on the walking trail at the LG North American Headquarters we compiled public domain and stock photography images and researched morphological characteristics for nineteen existing and newly planted tree species on the campus.


Contemporary Design in Detail book series

We are proponents of environmental and social responsibility in design. The publications below by Yenna feature residential structures around the world in which architects and designers introduce ingenious details to situate buildings ecologically and harmoniously in regional landscapes and create favorable circumstances out of constraints such as seemingly unbuildable lots, limited natural light, affordability, and high density neighborhoods.

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Contemporary Design in Detail: Sustainable Environments by Yenna Chan. Rockport Publishers, 2008.

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Contemporary Design in Detail: Small Environments by Yenna Chan. Rockport Publishers, 2007.